VERIFICATION: What day comes BEFORE Friday?

Viewing properties 1 - 2 of 2
926 Poplar Street, Albemarle, NC 28001, MLS # 4226386
$250,000   Under Contract

926 Poplar Street
Albemarle, NC

Neighborhood: Efirds
3 BR, 2.0 BA, 1,350 sqft
MLS# 4226386 | Celia Estrada, REALTORS
1119 Poplar Street, Albemarle, NC 28001, MLS # 4205658

1119 Poplar Street
Albemarle, NC

Neighborhood: Efirds
3 BR, 2.0 BA, 1,268 sqft
MLS# 4205658 | Chosen Realty of NC LLC

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